May 20242024-05-31T12:26:09-04:00

Accelerated Action – Pause, Refine, Get it Done

We’ve covered a lot of ground in the first few months. Now, instead of piling on more information, it’s time to make those lessons work for you! This month, we’re hitting pause on new toolkits so you can apply what you’ve learned, organize your ideas, and ask all the questions you need to feel confident in your marketing.

Accelerated Action – Pause, Refine, Get it Done

We’ve covered a lot of ground in the first few months. Now, instead of piling on more information, it’s time to make those lessons work for you! This month, we’re hitting pause on new toolkits so you can apply what you’ve learned, organize your ideas, and ask all the questions you need to feel confident in your marketing.

Marketing Morsels

This month’s Marketing Morsels are designed to reinforce everything you’ve learned so far and offer even deeper insights. Focus on understanding the concepts, not crafting perfect answers. The goal is to form thoughtful questions for our Q&A call. Even if you can’t attend live, you can still submit your questions for discussion.


The Club Community is your place to connect, to bounce ideas off each other, to get feedback from Amy and the team.  It is a place for questions and further insights so as you learn, as you plan, as you deep dive on the topic hop over to the community to share, connect, and seek guidance.

Monthly Q&A Calls

This month, you have two opportunities to accelerate your progress: a ‘Get It Done’ Guided Work Time Call to make headway on your tasks, and our Monthly Q&A with Amy.

Bonus Club Call – Get It Done
May 9th, 12:20 – 2:00 pm EST

Club Q&A Call
May 23rd, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm EST

Marketing Morsels

This month, dive into these Bonus Marketing Morsels! They’re designed to reinforce what you’ve learned and offer fresh perspectives on our ‘Getting Things Done’ focus. Review your existing toolkits, making notes and highlighting any questions that pop up. Don’t stress about perfection – this is about solidifying your understanding for our Get It Done & Q&A calls.





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